About Us

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The Excel Story

“Upon return from the United States,  I saw the opportunity to meet the  IT needs of many financial institutions in the region because of the explosive economic growth in Asia.  I wanted to  start the best of breed software company to address these needs and to develop the best solutions to meet the demands.  I named the Company,   Excel,  as an inspiration  by the book,  In Search of Excellence.  

As Excellers, we emphasize on:
*   Product quality
*   Service excellence
*   Long standing relationship and trust between Excel and our clients ”

~~  Peggy Chan, Founder

The Excel Milestones


Started in Hong Kong by Peggy to serve multinational clients such as Chase, Citibank and American Express.


Started the SI business unit and the first software development center in Hong Kong. Started the development of LOANS, the suite of lending solution.


Started the development of WMS – the Wealth Management solution suite.


Established the Beijing office.


Successfully listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange GEM board.  Established the Singapore office.


Set up first off-shore development center in Shenzhen.  Established HR21 as a SaaS, serving HSBC and Hang Seng Bank corporate and SME clients’ HR and MPF services.


Established the Shanghai office.  


Started the Kualar Lumpar office.


Established the Development Outsourcing business unit with operations in Hong Kong, Hangzhou and Taipei.


Established the Excel School of Banking & Technology.


Celebrated our 25th anniversary!


Celebrated our 30th anniversary!


Launched Net Fun to engage in Edtech business.


Expanded to serve clients in over 30 countries with over 400 professional staff.

We are the meeting point of old and new economies

For more than three decades, we have provided financial enterprises with customized software solutions backed by our professional support. Built upon an in-depth industry experience, we have earned a strong reputation with our clients as a strategic information technology partner.

We have expanded our scope to provide e-solutions and technology know-how that help off-line operations leap-frog into e-businesses. With Excel as partner, enterprises can confidently implement innovative ideas and create further added value for their customers and stakeholders.

Our Core Competence

Enterprise Software Development and Deployment

Excel has developed a suite of enterprise software products in lending, credit analysis, securities trading, wealth management, investment risk management, treasury operations, settlement and custodian business. These software products receive high level of acceptance by the industry as many banks in Hong Kong, China, Singapore and Malaysia have deployed them locally, or even globally, to support their businesses.

The open architecture of our software products allow them to fully integrate with clients’ existing systems. We keep abreast of the latest business and technological developments, and devote significant resources in researching and developing new functions and features for our enterprise software to stay in the forefront of the industry.

IT Consultancy and Professional Services

We provide senior project managers, subject matter experts, and consultants to support our customers on various IT and software related tasks such as feasibility study, requirement analysis, design, development, testing, and data conversion. We can assign our consultants to work on a particular project of our customers with fixed price deliverables, or we can assign our consultants with specific skills and experiences on a time-and-material basis. Our Software Centers in China also provide offshore outsourcing services to customers who want to take the cost advantage of software development in China.

Cloud Services

Excel is actively ‘cloud-enabling’ some of our products. As our first initiative in this arena, we offer seamless cloud service on human resources management solutions to our existing clients including over 3,000 small and medium enterprises. Clients can enjoy proven and quality business applications through the cloud with minimal investment. We also provide service to our clients to migrate or implement our software products on either private or public clouds.

Systems and Product Integration

Excel is an authorized reseller of a suite of renowned IT products, including high-end servers, database management systems, and document image servers. These third party hardware and software often form parts of an integrated solution that bundle with Excel’s enterprise software products and development projects. Excel provides turnkey systems and one-stop support services as a total solution.

The Excel Statistics


finance clients Served 



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