Our Software Centers

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The Excel Software Centers

This is where our products began

Managed by a team of highly capable and experienced technical and management staff, and equipped with various kinds of development environment, our Software Centers are set to develop high quality fintech software. Stringent development standards and guidelines are established to ensure high quality output. Quality assurance procedures are in place to provide quality checkpoints in the various milestones of the development cycle.

Our Mission

Research, design and development, and continuous upgrade of our Excel products
Application development service for our clients
Test bed for Excel to research on new Fintech initiatives
Platform to provide quality software development training

Centers of Excellence

Each of our software centers strives to excel in its assigned areas of responsibilities, either in product, technical expertise, or quality assurance in the development process.

Hong Kong

Birthplace of the Excel fintech and hrtech products

Cradle of Business Specialists, System Architects, and Development Framework Specialists

Research Center of new technologies and product enhancements


Key support center to Hong Kong and South China outsourcing projects

Center of Excellence for LOANS solution suite support

Center of Excellence for Treasury solution support

Center of Excellence for Securities Trading suite support


Center of Excellence for Wealth Management solution suite

Support Center for East China and South East Asia outsourcing projects 

Center of Excellence for software localization

This is how we do our development

Stringent development standards and guidelines are established to ensure high quality output.

Use of software infrastructure, framework, and reusable objects to speed up the development process and improve quality.

All developers participate in the analysis and design briefing of the applications to relate clear business requirements.

Independent code review, quality assurance and testing by an independent QA team.

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